Energetic Particles
Energetic particles are pieces of matter (things with rest mass, unlike photons of light) that are moving very fast. The low end of what is meant by "very fast" is a little cloudy, but the solar wind can move as slowly as a few hundred km per second (or about one thousandth the speed of light). Energetic particles have been measured moving at speeds as high as .99999999 times the speed of light. Energetic particles include protons, electrons, neutrons, neutrinos, the nuclei of atoms, and other sub-atomic particles.
An electron volt (eV), is a unit of energy used to describe the total energy carried by a particle.
- 1 keV = 1 kilo-electron volt = 1,000 eV -- typical of dental X-rays
- 1 MeV = 1 mega-electron volt = 1 million eV -- typical of radioactive decay particles
- 1 GeV = 1 giga-electron volt = 1 billion eV -- the equivalent energy of a proton (hydrogen nucleus) at rest
The molecules in our atmosphere have energies around 0.03 eV. The Sun's plasma and Earth's magnetosphere contain particles that are much more energetic. Protons in the magnetosphere typically have energies of 1 keV to 10 keV. And particles having still higher energies are quite common throughout the Universe.
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February 9, 2012: Neutrinos point
to rare stellar fusion -- Physics World
December 14, 2011: Curiosity
and the solar storm -- NASA
November 23, 2011: Measuring
the radiation on Mars -- Astrobiology
November 21, 2011: Faster-than-light
neutrinos? New test confirms accuracy of experiement's initial
measurement in flight time of neutrinos -- Science Daily
October 13, 2011: Leading
light: What would faster-than-light neutrinos mean for physics? --
Scientific American
October 7, 2011: Measuring
elusive solar neutrinos flowing through the Earth, physicists learn
more about the sun -- Science Daily
October 5, 2011: Faster-than-light
neutrinos face time trial -- Nature
September 30, 2011: Tevatron shuts
down -- Physics World
September 27, 2011: Speedy
neutrinos challenge physicists -- Nature
September 26, 2011: Light
OPERA; or Faster? -- HEAPOW
September 24, 2011: Neutrinos
break the speed of light? -- Astrobiology
August 28, 2011: A jet from galaxy M87 --
August 16, 2011: China-US
neutrino facility opens -- Physics World
August 10, 2011: Antimatter
found orbiting Earth -- a first -- National Geographic
May 4, 2011: Antiuniverse
here we come -- Nature
April 18, 2011: Short
bursts solved? -- HEAPOW
April 12, 2011: Space
jets in a bottle -- Science Daily
April 1, 2011: The
amazing disappearing antineutrino -- Nature
February 22, 2011: Launching
balloons in Antarctica -- NASA
November 9, 2010: The
many faces of the shear Alfven wave: 3-D movies are no longer just for
Hollywood blockbusters -- Science Daily
November 8, 2010: CERN
completes transition to lead-ion running at the LHC -- CERN
November 8, 2010: Getting
to know the sun advances fusion research -- Eurekalert
November 2, 2010: Fourth
flavor of neutrino? -- Science Daily
October 19, 2010: Green light for
Indian neutrino observatory -- Physics World
August 30, 2010: The
extremely high energy extragalactic sky -- HEAPOW
July 26, 2010: Reach
for the sky -- HEAPOW
July 20, 2010 Collider
gets yet more exotic 'to-do' list -- Nature
July 12, 2010 That glow around
Jupiter -- HEAPOW
May 20, 2010: M87: Elliptical
galaxy with jet -- APOD
May 1, 2010: A pulsar's
hand -- APOD
April 26, 2010: Dust pillar of
the Carina nebula -- APOD
April 15, 2010: Roman
ingots to shield particle detector -- Nature
March 30, 2010: LHC
research programme gets underway -- CERN
March 30, 2010: For
one tiny instant, physicists may have broken a law of nature --
Science Daily
March 18, 2010: Fermi catalogs
the gamma-ray sky -- APOD
March 11, 2010: Shocking
recipe for making killer electrons -- ESA
March 2, 2010: NASA's
Fermi probes "dragons" of the gamma-ray sky -- NASA
February 26, 2010: First
observation of T2K neutrino event at Super-Kamiokande -- Astronomy
February 18, 2010: Jets
of particles streaming from black holes in far-away galaxies
different than previously thought -- Science Daily
February 17, 2010: CU-Boulder
physics professors help create hottest temperature in Universe --
February 16, 2010: Subatomic
soup is hot stuff -- Nature
January 28, 2010: Fusion
power a step closer after giant laser blast -- National Geographic
January 8, 2010: Neutrino
data to flow in 2010; NOvA scientists tune design -- Eurekalert
December 15, 2009: Queen
Mary scientists shed light on a mysterious particle -- Eurekalert
December 14, 2009: Blazing
December 8, 2009: Fermi
sees brightest-ever blazar flare -- NASA
October 28, 2009: Is Fermi
seeing dark matter? -- Sky & Telescope
October 26, 2009: Storage ring dust-up -- Physical Review Focus
October 16, 2009: Enter the
yoctosecond -- Physics World
August 16, 2009: To
understand the Universe, science calls on the ultrasmall --
August 14, 2009: Neutrino trigger
could reveal gravitational waves -- Physics World
August 13, 2009: Scientists
propose lab-grade black holes -- Science News
August 12, 2009: Late
light reveals what space is made of -- New Scientist
August 10, 2009: Particles
as tracers for the most massive explosions in the Milky Way --
University of Gothenburg
August 5, 2009: Moon
may reveal elusive cosmic neutrinos -- New Scientist
July 27, 2009: Supernova starting gun:
Neutrinos -- Physical Review Focus
July 6, 2009: Speed
gun -- HEAPOW
July 3, 2009: A
galaxy as particle accelerator -- Max Planck Society
June 2, 2009: Particles
larger than galaxies fill the universe? -- National Geographic
May 26, 2009: Ginormous neutrino --
APS Focus
May 21, 2009: Looking
under the Antarctic ice for evidence of dark matter -- APS
May 15, 2009: Dark matter
or pulsars? Fermi is on the case -- Sky & Telescope
May 13, 2009: Deep
concerns -- Nature
May 1, 2009: Officials
break ground for the world's most advanced neutrino experiment --
January 13, 2009: First
all-sky map of the edge of the Solar System -- Astronomy.com
September 22, 2008: Why
the Large Hadron Collider is already on the fritz -- Time
September 19, 2008: The LHC sees its
first circulating beam -- CERN
September 12, 2008: Large
Hadron Collider to have "practical" spin-offs? -- National
September 10, 2008: What
the collider might discover -- Time
September 10, 2008: Large
Hadron Collider rap video is a hit -- National Geographic
September 10, 2008: First
beam for Large Hadron Collider -- Brookhaven National Laboratory
September 4, 2008: What
happens to particle accelerators after they are shut down? --
Scientific American
July 2, 2008: As
LHC draws nigh, Nobelists outline dreams -- and nightmares --
Scientific American
May 12, 2008: Video:
Lab probes universe's secrets -- National Geographic
May 5, 2008: GRBs
April 28, 2008: 'Broken
heart' image the last for NASA's long-lived Polar mission -- NASA
April 28, 2008: Found
link? -- HEAPOW
April 24, 2008: Secrets
of massive black hole unveiled: Workings of giant galactic particle
accelerators discovered -- Science Daily
April 23, 2008: Radio telescope reveals
secrets of massive black hole -- NRAO
April 16, 2008: Reflections offer
new way to bend particles -- CERN
April 16, 2008: Finding the Higgs
boson -- AIP
March 20, 2008: NASA
satellite detects naked-eye explosion halfway across universe --
NASA / Swift mission
March 9, 2008: New
discovery at Jupiter could help protect Earth-orbit satellites --
March 7, 2008: WMAP
reveals neutrinos, end of dark ages, first second of universe --
March 3, 2008: Particle
collider's last big piece set -- National Geographic
February 25, 2008: Dawn of the
Large Hadron Collider -- APOD
February 25, 2008: Killer
electrons surf celestial tsunamis -- NASA GSFC
February 25, 2008: Transformer
February 20, 2008: Integral:
Stellar winds colliding at our cosmic doorstep -- ESA
February 19, 2008: High energy
electron holes reveal unseen rings -- ESA
February 13, 2008: Theorists
weigh up new route to neutrino mass -- Physics World
February 7, 2008: Particle
accelerator: Signals sent racing ahead at light speed to keep
particles colliding -- Science Daily
January 27, 2008: Giant
particle accelerator discovered in the sky -- Science Daily
January 17, 2008: The
future of physics -- Scientific American
January 17, 2008: Large
Hadron Collider: The discovery machine -- Scientific American
January 17, 2008: The
coming revolutions in particle physics -- Scientific American
January 16, 2008: Upgraded
neutrino detector could root out dark matter -- New Scientist
January 10, 2008: Centaurus
A exposed -- Astronomy.com
January 9, 2008: Japanese
particle physics in good health -- Physics World
January 1, 2008: Important
days in history of universe -- CNN
December 22, 2007: The
best of 2007 -- Physics World
December 18, 2007: 'Bully'
black hole blasts galaxy with radiation -- CNN
December 13, 2007: Ten top physics
stories for 2007 -- AIP
November 30, 2007: Neutrinos could
probe Earth's structure -- Physics World
November 23, 2007: Giant
'IceCube' could take snaps of Earth's core -- New Scientist
November 7, 2007: Physicists
see similarities in stream of sand grains, exotic plasma at birth of
Universe -- Science Daily
October 25, 2007: Look
mum, it's a neutrino -- Australian Broadcasting Company
August 29, 2007: Low-energy
neutrinos detected inside Sun -- Science Daily
August 21, 2007: Scientists
confirm long-held theory about source of sunshine -- Science Daily
August 20, 2007: Catching
some rays -- NSF
June 28, 2007: Neutron
stars join the black hole jet set -- Science Daily
May 23, 2007: UD scientists build an 'ice top' at the bottom of the world -- EurekAlert!
February 28, 2007: NASA MESSENGER mission news: priming instruments to map Mercury's crust -- SpaceRef.com
February 20, 2007: Classification of ACE/EPAM near-relativistic electron beam events -- ACE News
July 1, 2006: ALICE experiment sees first cosmic-ray events -- CERN Courier
March 1, 2006: Germany seeks to fulfil astroparticle aspirations -- CERN Courier
February 20, 2006: New study questions the effects of cosmic proton radiation on human cells -- SpaceRef.com
November 7, 2005: Effects of interplanetary shocks on energetic particles -- ACE News
June 24, 2005: A force field for astronauts? -- Science@NASA
February 23, 2005: Cosmic insight into pyramids, volcanoes and nuclear contraband -- LiveScience
February 23, 2005: Cosmic rays reveal past and present secrets -- MSNBC
April 15, 2004: Killer electrons -- NASA HQ
March 18, 2004: Space dust to unlock pyramid secrets -- Australian Broadcasting Corporation
February 19, 2004: Antarctic test flight preps way for hunt for 'killer' particles -- SpaceRef.com
January 15, 2004: Doctoral student journeys to "the ice" to study neutrinos -- University at Buffalo Reporter
December 10, 2003: UCSD physicists see solar electrons, auroras associated with recent geomagnetic storms -- EurekAlert!
December 8, 2003: Earth's radiation belts spectacular following Halloween solar storms -- EurekAlert!
October 29, 2003: A powerful solar flare -- NASA GSFC APOD
October 14, 2003: New NASA facility will help protect space crews from radiation -- SpaceRef.com
October 14, 2003: NASA and DOE dedicate new NASA facility at Brookhaven Lab -- Brookhaven National Laboratory
September 11, 2003: Sudbury Neutrino Observatory reports new measurements - thanks to table salt! -- ScienceDaily
September 9, 2003: Solar wind makes waves; killer electrons go surfing? -- NASA GSFC
September 5, 2003: Solar flare serves up antimatter surprises -- Scientific American
September 2, 2003: Antimatter factory on Sun yields clues to solar explosions -- NASA GSFC
September 2, 2003: RHESSI satellite offers clues about how solar explosions act as particle accelerators -- UC Berkeley News
August 14, 2003: MINOS detector ready to take first data -- EurekAlert
August 3, 2003: Ice fishing for cosmic neutrinos -- NASA GSFC APOD
May 1, 2003: NESTOR sees muons at the bottom of the sea -- CERN Courier
March 24, 2003: Gamma-ray burst, supernova connection confirmed -- Spaceflight Now
February 28, 2003: Black Widow pulsar spraying antimatter into space -- Australian Broadcasting Corporation
January 17, 2003: New look for Cerenkov radiation -- PhysicsWeb
November 7, 2002: UC Berkeley analysis of satellite data turns up first direct evidence that magnetic processes in space can accelerate electrons to near light speed -- UC Berkeley
September 19, 2002: Space movie reveals shocking secrets of the Crab pulsar -- Chandra
April 18, 2002: How ultra high-energy neutrinos might be made, seen -- UniSci
February 21, 2002: Antimatter atoms captured for the first time -- New Scientist
December 25, 2001: Two theorists never in doubt -- Physics Today
November 19, 2001: Particle physics telescope explodes -- BBC News
July 10, 2001: New peek into differences between matter, antimatter -- UniSci
July 1, 2001: Neutrinos have mass for sure -- Jupiter Scientific
June 29, 2001: Energetic particle fluences from solar wind to cosmic ray energies -- ACE News
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