News from 2000
December 31, 2000: Spacecraft gets close to Jupiter -- BBC News
December 30, 2000: Cassini visualizes the invisible, tracks giant storms -- NASA JPL
December 30, 2000: Cassini and Galileo space probes double-team Jupiter -- Spaceflight Now
December 28, 2000: Galileo looks for auroras on Ganymede -- Science@NASA
December 27, 2000: Iridium satellites used to map global space weather -- Spaceflight Now
December 27, 2000: Solar System Ambassadors chosen to spread the cosmic word -- NASA JPL
December 22, 2000: Watching the angry Sun -- Science@NASA
December 19, 2000: Spacecraft tunes in to the music of Jupiter -- CNN.com
December 19, 2000: A close-up of aurora on Jupiter -- NASA GSFC APOD
December 19, 2000: Most distant spacecraft may reach shock zone soon -- Spaceflight Now
December 18, 2000: Most distant spacecraft may reach shock zone soon -- NASA JPL
December 17, 2000: Magnetic field 'umbrellas' shield Martian atmosphere -- Spaceflight Now
December 15, 2000: Hubble sees satellite footprints in Jupiter aurora -- Spaceflight Now
December 11, 2000: Special Report: 2000 Christmas solar eclipse -- Space.com
December 9, 2000: NASA contacts oldest spacecraft, 35 years after launch -- Space.com
December 4, 2000: Solar fireworks for SOHO Sun probe's fifth anniversary -- Spaceflight Now
December 2, 2000: SN 1006: Pieces of the cosmic ray puzzle -- NASA GSFC APOD
November 30, 2000: Solar fireworks for SOHO's anniversary -- ESA
November 28, 2000: BZ Cam bow shock -- NASA GSFC APOD
November 27, 2000: Revealing colorful element formations in ancient stars -- Spaceflight Now
November 27, 2000: Ulysses is now over the Sun's south pole -- ESA
November 27, 2000: Ulysses spacecraft swings over the Sun's south pole -- Spaceflight Now
November 25, 2000: A high energy fleet -- NASA GSFC APOD
November 25, 2000: Thanksgiving solar flares trigger large weekend space storm -- Space.com
November 22, 2000: Solar flare stuns Stardust -- Science@NASA
November 21, 2000: Stardust spacecraft is "temporarily blinded" by solar flare -- Stardust
November 15, 2000: Coronal rain, solar storm -- NASA GSFC APOD
November 10, 2000: Successful "take-off" for the "youngest" European exhibition on the Sun -- ESA
November 9, 2000: Ongoing particle storm from the Sun -- SOHO
October 27, 2000: Spacecraft films spectacular light show -- BBC News
October 26, 2000: Putting the 'astro' in astrobiology: How supernovae stimulate life -- Space.com
October 25, 2000: Relating solar wind plasma to its coronal sources using in situ charge state information -- ACE News
October 25, 2000: Smithsonian breaks ground on Air and Space annex -- CNN.com
October 19, 2000: Chandra finds massive stars are more like our Sun -- Spaceflight Now
October 19, 2000: Stellar shocker: Huge star similar to our Sun -- Space.com
October 18, 2000: All in the family: Chandra finds evidence that massive stars are more like the Sun than previously believed -- Chandra
October 17, 2000: Gemini North images bow shock near galactic center -- NASA GSFC APOD
October 14, 2000: The ecliptic plane -- NASA GSFC APOD
October 12, 2000: Sun sample return mission nears launch -- Science@NASA
October 11, 2000: New bulk metallic glass to catch pieces of the solar wind -- NASA JPL
October 4, 2000: Hitching a ride on a magnetic bubble -- Science@NASA
October 1, 2000: "God particle" possibly discovered -- Jupiter Scientific
September 28, 2000: Heating coronal loops -- NASA GSFC APOD
September 27, 2000: Fire fountains may explain solar puzzle -- BBC News
September 26, 2000: Sun probe sees largest sunspot group in a decade -- Spaceflight Now
September 25, 2000: AR 9169: A large sunspot -- NASA GSFC APOD
September 25, 2000: Revisiting the day the solar wind almost disappeared -- ACE News
September 21, 2000: Largest sunspot group in nine years visible -- Space.com
September 20, 2000: Climate change: new impressions from space -- ESA
September 17, 2000: Saturnian aurora -- NASA GSFC APOD
September 16, 2000: X-ray Earth -- NASA GSFC APOD
September 15, 2000: Aurora in west Texas skies -- NASA GSFC APOD
September 13, 2000: A surprising CME -- NASA MSFC
September 8, 2000: Researchers developing bricks to block radiation on Mars -- CNN.com
September 6, 2000: Ulysses studies the Sun's polar cap at sunspot maximum -- NASA JPL
September 5, 2000: Sunbathing at solar max -- Science@NASA
September 4, 2000: Aurora Persei -- NASA GSFC APOD
September 4, 2000: Meteorite gives clues to solar system's early radioactivity -- Spaceflight Now
September 3, 2000: Intriguing meteorite discovered in Saskatchewan -- Spaceflight Now
September 1, 2000: SOHO sungrazer -- NASA GSFC APOD
August 25, 2000: Oxygen isotopes in the fast solar wind: ACE/SWIMS -- ACE News
August 24, 2000: Cluster 2 satellites to begin the scientific commissioning -- Spaceflight Now
August 21, 2000: Efforts underway to help protect satellites from upsets -- Spaceflight Now
August 21, 2000: A Perseid aurora -- NASA GSFC APOD
August 17, 2000: New IMAX film features the solar maximum larger than life -- Space.com
August 17, 2000: Mount Megantic magnetic storm -- NASA GSFC APOD
August 15, 2000: The solar spectrum -- NASA GSFC APOD
August 15, 2000: Radio astronomers catch a glimpse of Sun's future -- Spaceflight Now
August 14, 2000: Geomagnetic storm sparks northern lights -- Space.com
August 14, 2000: The extraordinary geomagnetic Perseid meteor shower -- NASA
August 9, 2000: The Sun won't shine forever -- Discovery
August 9, 2000: A solar filament lifts off -- NASA GSFC APOD
August 2, 2000: Neutrino models aren't separable -- Physical Review Focus
July 20, 2000: AR9077: Solar magnetic arcade -- NASA GSFC APOD
July 20, 2000: Science finds particle perfection -- BBC News
July 18, 2000: Energy-dependent electron-capture decay observed in galactic cosmic rays -- ACE News
July 16, 2000: Extreme Sun storm lights up the sky -- Space.com
July 14, 2000: Space radiation storm -- NASA
July 14, 2000: Another strong solar flare heads toward Earth -- CNN.com
July 13, 2000: LP 944-20: A failed star flares -- NASA GSFC APOD
July 12, 2000: A giant starspot on HD 12545 -- NASA GSFC APOD
July 9, 2000: Science takes balloon ride -- Spaceflight Now
July 6, 2000: It must have been NIGHTGLOW, the balloon -- NASA GSFC
July 4, 2000: Sun shines as star of new IMAX film -- CNN.com
July 3, 2000: World's seventh space camp opens in Turkey -- Spaceflight Now
July 2, 2000: SOHO and Cluster spacecraft star in IMAX movie -- Spaceflight Now
June 30, 2000: Energetic electrons in 3He-enhanced solar energetic particle events -- ACE News
June 30, 2000: Aphelion day -- Science@NASA
June 30, 2000: Moon's helium-3 could power Earth -- Space.com
June 24, 2000: Sunspots -- Guardian Unlimited
June 22, 2000: Solving a solar magnetic mystery -- Space.com
June 22, 2000: 100-year-old "butterfly diagram" shows sunspot travel -- NCAR
June 22, 2000: Coming soon: Better space storm warnings -- NASA
June 21, 2000: Solstice celebration -- NASA GSFC APOD
June 21, 2000: Solar storm warning down to 12 hours -- SpaceDaily
June 21, 2000: Capturing solar magnetic fields snap backs -- SpaceDaily
June 20, 2000: Solstice brings longest day, strange traditions -- CNN
June 20, 2000: Galileo moves away from Jupiter in test with Cassini -- Spaceflight Now
June 20, 2000: More accurate warnings of space storms now provided -- Spaceflight Now
June 19, 2000: Newest survey shows most Americans have confidence in science, but lack understanding -- NSF
June 19, 2000: NASA's SHARP program celebrates 20 years of excellence -- NASA
June 15, 2000: Officials seek to extend Ulysses sun probe mission -- Spaceflight Now
June 13, 2000: Bumps found on the Sun -- Spaceflight Now
June 13, 2000: From the drawing board to the stars -- NASA
June 12, 2000: Watching solar wind to help forecast disruptions on Sun -- Spaceflight Now
June 9, 2000: USGS issues geomagnetic storm alert -- ScienceDaily
June 9, 2000: Siberian space light show -- BBC News
June 8, 2000: Active regions, CMEs, and X-class flares -- NASA GSFC APOD
June 8, 2000: Astronomers discover origin of light elements -- Space.com
June 8, 2000: Earth braces for shock waves from Sun -- CNN
June 8, 2000: Sun sends a cloud our way -- BBC News
June 7, 2000: Solar storm warning -- NASA
June 6, 2000: Solar storms expected to erupt -- Space.com
June 6, 2000: Iowa professor observes space weather-Earth connection -- ScienceDaily
June 6, 2000: Weeklong geomagnetic storm alert issued -- CNN
June 5, 2000: Disruptions from Sun's geomagnetic storms forecast with "cat-scan" of solar wind -- ScienceDaily
June 2, 2000: The first global image of the Earth's plasmasphere -- Physics News Update
June 1, 2000: Spacecraft views Earth's outer gas shell -- BBC News
May 31, 2000: IMAGE first light movies and images -- NASA GSFC
May 30, 2000: Solar s'mores -- NASA
May 26, 2000: Solar sail -- NASA GSFC APOD
May 24, 2000: Pleiades, planets, and hot plasma -- NASA GSFC APOD
May 22, 2000: Light bridges on the Sun -- NASA GSFC APOD
May 20, 2000: Sungrazer -- NASA GSFC APOD
May 19, 2000: An aurora before the storm -- NASA GSFC APOD
May 9, 2000: What is driving CME expansion in the low corona? -- ACE News
May 9, 2000: Solar ups and downs -- NASA
May 7, 2000: A green flash from the Sun -- NASA GSFC APOD
May 2, 2000: Solar eruption may flood Earth -- BBC News
April 25, 2000: 3He enhancements at interplanetary shocks -- ACE News
April 25, 2000: Brushfires in the sky -- NASA MSFC
April 19, 2000: German and Japanese satellites confirm cosmic plasma process -- UNH
April 19, 2000: Cosmic rays will reveal universal secrets -- BBC News
April 17, 2000: Magnetic 'bubble' in distant galaxy -- BBC News
April 17, 2000: Improving space weather forecasting by detecting active regions on the far side of the Sun -- AGU
April 12, 2000: High energy astrophysics for everybody -- NASA MSFC
April 11, 2000: The local interstellar cloud -- NASA GSFC APOD
April 11, 2000: Scientists scan auroral data -- BBC News
April 10, 2000: Aurora in red and yellow -- NASA GSFC APOD
April 7, 2000: Solar shock wave causes surprise aurora display -- CNN
April 7, 2000: Geomagnetic storm -- Science@NASA
April 7, 2000: Skywatchers marvel at light show -- BBC News
April 6, 2000: Poll: Americans have strong support for NASA and space -- Spaceflight Now
April 6, 2000: April 6, 2000 geomagnetic storm event page -- ACE Science Center at Caltech
April 5, 2000: Sunspot numerology -- NASA MSFC
April 4, 2000: Some coronal mass ejections are caused by shock waves from solar flares in other regions of the Sun -- AGU
April 4, 2000: Plastic skin keeps satellites safe -- SpaceDaily
April 3, 2000: A twisted solar eruptive prominence -- NASA GSFC APOD
April 3, 2000: Sun's got the beat -- NASA MSFC
March 2000: Best selling science books -- Jupiter Scientific
March 31, 2000: A coronal mass ejection (CME) observed in the solar wind by both ACE (1 AU) and Ulysses (5 AU) -- ACE News
March 31, 2000: Sun's heartbeat may help unravel solar cycle mystery -- Spaceflight Now
March 26, 2000: Space weather satellite launched by Boeing rocket -- Spaceflight Now
March 25, 2000: Live IMAGE launch Webcast - starts at 10 am PST -- NASA Quest
March 24, 2000: The RADAR cop in space -- NASA MSFC
March 22, 2000: Solar cycle update -- NASA MSFC
March 22, 2000: Outer space gas trapped on Earth in 'buckyballs' -- CNN
March 21, 2000: ACRIMSAT finally begins measuring the Sun's energy -- Spaceflight Now
March 18, 2000: A wind from the Sun -- NASA GSFC APOD
March 17, 2000: Forecasting shock-accelerated energetic particles with ACE -- ACE News
March 17, 2000: Plug into science week -- BBC News
March 15, 2000: Weak lensing distorts the Universe -- NASA GSFC APOD
March 12, 2000: Supernova 1994D and the unexpected universe -- NASA GSFC APOD
March 10, 2000: The biggest thing in the solar system -- NASA
March 10, 2000: SOHO sees through the Sun, finds storms on other side -- Spacelflight Now
March 9, 2000: Sun storm: A coronal mass ejection -- NASA GSFC APOD
March 9, 2000: New light on dark matter -- BBC
March 9, 2000: Scientists 'look through' the Sun -- BBC News
March 7, 2000: Mission to the magnetosphere -- CNN
March 3, 2000: Wanted: A few good solar flares -- SpaceScience.com
March 3, 2000: The Sun's show hots up -- BBC News
March 2, 2000: Six billion miles and counting... -- SpaceScience.com
March 2, 2000: Polar substorm -- NASA MSFC
March 2, 2000: Pioneer 10 gets new lease on life in outer solar system -- CNN
March 2, 2000: Debating the Sun's role in global warming on Earth -- Spaceflight Now
March 1, 2000: European mission open to offers -- BBC News
February 29, 2000: NASA slips launch of IMAGE -- Spaceflight Now
February 28, 2000: Astronomers find supernova remnant being created -- Spaceflight Now
February 25, 2000: The comets of SOHO -- NASA GSFC APOD
February 24, 2000: Leaky Sun threatens disruption -- BBC
February 24, 2000: Computer simulations reveal the workings of the dynamo behind Earth's magnetic field -- ScienceDaily
February 24, 2000: Space weather mission nears launch -- NASA MSFC
February 23, 2000: Sunspot seething -- NASA GSFC APOD
February 21, 2000: Astronomer uses computers to simulate supernova explosions -- ScienceDaily
February 21, 2000: Interplanetary shock wave passes Earth -- NASA MSFC
February 20, 2000: 'And here's today's space weather forecast...' -- BBC
February 18, 2000: Here comes the Sun -- NASA
February 7, 2000: Major flare erupts on Sun -- BBC
February 7, 2000: Small sunspot, big flare -- NASA
February 5, 2000: Our smokin' Sun: SOHO sees solar rings -- space.com
February 3, 2000: Solar smoke rings -- NASA
February 3, 2000: The Sun's magnetic field has a good memory -- Spaceflight Now
January 31, 2000: Heavy ion charge state measurements over an extended energy range with ACE and SOHO -- ACE News
January 26, 2000: Sun watching satellite catches flashy solar show -- CNN
January 20, 2000: Solar cinema -- NASA
January 10, 2000: Brown sun bubbling -- NASA GSFC APOD
January 7, 2000: NAUTILUS detects cosmic rays -- PhysicsWeb
January 1, 2000: The millennium that defines Universe -- NASA GSFC APOD

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